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TERMS OF REFERENCE For the Communications Strategy Development

13 October 2021


For the Communications Strategy Development


Objective of the  assignment:

To develop a public awareness-raising communication strategy to promote zero tolerance towards homo, bi and transphobia and popularize existing services for the LGBTIQ community

Employing organization:

Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG)

Duration of the assignment:

Nov. 01 – Nov 30, 2021

1. Foreword:

The position is announced in the framework of the joint collaboration between Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) and United Nation’s three agencies (UNDP, UNFPA and UN Women) cooperating under the Swedish funded UN Joint Program for Gender Equality (UNJP). The UNJP has determined to develop public awareness-raising communication strategy to promote zero tolerance towards homo-, bi- and transphobia, using innovative approaches to promote zero tolerance towards the practice of VAWG/DV, to overcome social stigma and contribute to better socio-economic inclusion of LGTBQI persons in Georgia.

WISG will be responsible for implementing the above-described activities. The proposed activities will contribute towards achieving:

·         To strengthen capacities of state institutions on diversity and inclusion, sexual orientation and gender identity, gender based violence and discrimination;

·         To conduct awareness-raising activities to promote zero tolerance towards homo, bi and transphobia and popularize existing services for the LGBTQI community.

Public awareness and attitudes as well as the situation of LGBTQI individuals vary depending on different demographic variables (age, sex, education, economic and household conditions) and therefore, there is a need for a differentiated approach in planning and Implementation of awareness campaigns and activities. Updated data regarding public attitudes towards the LGBTQI community and related issues will be delivered by conducting the representative study on public attitudes towards LGBTQI persons in Georgia. this research will serve as a baseline and an effective evidence for advocating primarily for the recognition of the problem and developing complex approach. It will allow to further improve the targeting of future public advocacy campaigns, to drive, monitor and evaluate change, monitor activities targeted at raising public awareness, assess their effectiveness and plan future initiatives.


2. Objective of the assignment


The objective of this assignment is to develop a communication strategy based on findings of the study of public attitudes towards the LGBTQI community, which incorporates customized approaches to promote zero tolerance towards homo, bi and transphobia and based on the Framework for Social Change prepared by UNDP


Expected outputs from the assignment include a consultation report, a communication strategy including:

- Identification of target groups/stakeholders,

- Identification of the communication objective for each targeted audience,

- Create key program messages based on accomplishments and evidence,

- Identification of main communication channels and strategies to reach the different target audiences,

- Identification of the communication products and activities tailored to each audience,

- Required capacity to implement the proposed strategy,

- Action plan.


3. Scope of work

The Communication Strategy will address the following:


1.    Identify the target audiences (i.e.: state bodies, CSOs, local communities; media; academia circles; general

2.    public, etc.);

3.    Identify the communication objectives for each target audience (stakeholder mapping) at the national and local levels.

4.    Identify factors that might positively or negatively affect communication with each target audience,

5.    How best to engage with main stakeholders (modalities and approaches),

6.    What are the key messages for different stakeholders,

7.    Identify communication channels and speakers acceptable for relevant stakeholders,

8.    How to identify early adopters among stakeholders and effectively encourage participate in positive voicing on an issue,

9.    What resourcing levels are required to implement the proposed communications strategy. 


4. Time schedule and reporting

The assignment is expected to commence 01 November 2021 culminating in the finalization of the

assignment by 30 November 2021. The estimated time input is 15 consultant days.


5. Reporting & Deliverables


The consultant will produce the following deliverables:

1. A detailed work-plan of engagement presenting milestones and deliverables;

2. A overall communication strategy that includes:

a. Findings of the analysis;

b. Key aspects of the communication strategy, including stakeholder mapping, engagement strategy with each of the target audience, etc.

c. An communication strategy and recommendations, with an action plan for key stakeholders (including state actors, media, general public, and CSOs). 

3. The final report with an executive summary of maximum three pages, which reads as a standalone document.  


6. The consulting organization / expert as far as possible should fulfill the following criteria

The assignment will be performed by an expert with the following qualification:

- Advanced University degree in Communication, Marketing or related field,

- Extensive work experience and proven record in communications, marketing, advocacy, policy, campaigns, strategic management,

- Strong analytical skills, sound judgement, the capacity to think strategically,

- Experience in communications planning and campaigns, including knowledge and work on overcoming stigma and stereotypes, and multi-stakeholder work,

- Proficiency in English,

- Knowledge of and interest in improving the situation of LGBTQI people in Georgia.

7. Criteria for evaluation

Interested participants are requested to submit to Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG):

·      The qualification and CVs of the persons involved.

·      The financial offer exclusive of VAT including any cost needed to undertake the assignment, including fees for the expert/s, logistic and transports, accommodation, acquisition of documentations, etc. It is understood that no any additional cost – in addition to that indicated in the contract between Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) and the successful bidder – will be covered by WISG for this task.

·      Proof of being legally entitled to conduct the assignment as per Georgian laws.

The selection of the candidate will be done as per the following criteria:

  • Qualification of the team in accordance with the scope of the assignment
  • Best value for money (financial offer)

8. Other

  • By participating to this tender the candidates explicitly recognize that they will operate under the supervision of WISG and that the UN agencies, the main donor of the project, can at any time request them any kind of data and information
  • The contract with the successful bidder will be governed by the Georgian laws and by the rules and regulations indicated in the contract between the UN agencies and WISG, that will be evidenced in the contract
  • WISG reserves the right – should no proposal submitted meet the requested standard – not to assign the consultancy through this tender.

Applicants should submit proposals electronically to the following email:, no later than 19:00 October 29, 2021. Please indicate "Communications Strategy Development" in the subject field.