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Human Rights Organizations' joint report of 2024 to the Council of Europe on the implementation of ECtHR decisions related to Legal Gender Recognition

2 August 2024


1.  This submission by the signatory organisations provides an update on the individual measures concerning first applicant A.D., as well as the most recent developments regarding general measures in this group of cases. We express our concern on Georgia's failure to take concrete, timely actions to implement the Court’s judgment in the case of A. D and others v. Georgia (Application nos. 57864/17, 79087/17 and 55353/19), which found violations of the applicants' right to privacy due to a lack of efficient and accessible procedures for legal gender recognition in Georgia.


2.  Despite the Court's ruling setting out deficiencies in the domestic legislative framework concerning legal gender recognition, Georgia has made no tangible progress in executing individual (except for payment of just satisfaction to the applicants) and general measures in this case. Quite the opposite, regressive legislative amendments have been introduced by the Georgian Parliament aimed to further restrict transgender people’s rights in Georgia.


3.   We provide specific recommendations to the Committee of Ministers to urge the Georgian authorities to take timely, concrete steps, with a clear timeframe, to comply with the Court’s judgment and to refrain from the legal and political anti-LGBTI narratives in the country.