About Organisation
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The Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) was
founded on June 29, 2000, by eight women with different professional
backgrounds, in order to support women’s equal participation in various spheres
of life and activities aimed at social change. WISG believes, that
in a patriarchal society, women are unable to enjoy equal opportunities and
public goods. Women’s labor and contributions to social development go
unnoticed and misrecognized; a woman is perceived as an object, rather than a
subject, of culture and politics. Thus, since their inception, the Group’s
activities and efforts strive to improve existing conditions and achieve equal
rights. The Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group was and
remains the first organization in Georgia focused on the empowerment of lesbian
and bisexual women and trans* persons. WISG has authored all basic research and
policy analyses on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) in Georgia.
Today, the organization is a leading expert in LGBTI issues and enjoys a high
level of credibility among both local and international state and non-state
actors. WISG’s mission is to promote feminist ideas and
support the development of women’s activism and the establishment of safe
spaces where sexism and homo/bi/transphobia are recognized as a social problem
on cultural, social, legal, and political levels. WISG aims to develop an organizational management
model in line with its strategic plan, which will effecti...

Partners and Donors
Global Fund for Women
Global Fund for Women is one of the world’s leading foundations for gender equality, standing up for the human rights of women and girls. They campaig... -
Mama Cash is the oldest international women’s fund. The Foundation supports women-led initiatives promoting women’s rights and social change... -
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions aro... -
RFSL -The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights - is a non-profit organization that works with and for the rights of le... -
Open Society Foundations
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all peopl... -
Norwegian Helsinki Committee
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a non-governmental organisation working to ensure that human rights are respected in practice. We do this through... -
COC Netherlands
COC Netherlands has been advocating the rights of lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT’s) from 1946 on. COC strives for the decrim... -
Astraea Lesbian Foundation
THE ASTRAEA LESBIAN FOUNDATION FOR JUSTICE is the only philanthropic organization working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe.... -
ფონდი Kvinna till Kvinna
ფონდი Kvinna till Kvinna აძლიერებს კონფლიქტურ რეგიონებში მომუშავე ქალთა ორგანიზაციებს თანამშრომლობითა და მათი საქმიანობის მხარდაჭერით ქალთა უფლებებისა... -
Women's Fund in Georgia
Mission of Women's Fund in Georgia is empowering women in Georgia for protection of their rights, full self-realization and participation in society's... -
Heinrich Boell Foundation
The Heinrich Böll Stiftung is the German Green Political Foundation. Affiliated to the "Alliance '90 / The Greens" political party represented in... -
OII Europe
OII Europe (Organisation Intersex International Europe) is the umbrella organisation of European human rights based intersex organisations. OII Europe...

AWID (The Association for Women's Rights in Development) - global, feminist membership organization) is an international, feminist, membership or... -
ILGA-Europe are an independent, international non-governmental umbrella organisation bringing together over 600 organisations from 54 countr... -
Transgender Europe is a membership based organisation. TGEU currently has 78 member organisations in 40 different countries. TGEU was established on t... -
IGLYO (The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Youth & Student Organisation ) is a pan European network, working wi... -
Coalition for Equality
Coalition for Equality is non-formal unity, which was formed in 2014 while adopting the law on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination by Open So... -
Eastern European Coalition for LGBT+ Equality
Network of LGBT+ organizations from the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia, focused on working with the community and seeking to improve the sit... -
Georgian Civil Society National Platform for the Eastern Partnership
The mission of the Georgian Civil Society National Platform for the Eastern Partnership is to increase the involvement and consolidation of...