Militarized patriarchy and capitalism, which have been creating recurring crises—through the constant production of necropolitics and in the name of false progress—wage war against femininity, against nature, against queer bodies, against life itself, and against everything that does not bring profit or death. Words deprived of meaning—development, creation, progress—become synonyms for mechanisms of abeyance to an authoritarian political regime, control, and oppression. And under an economy subjected to the supremacy of profit, these words imply increased consumption and exploitation, until the ultimate exhaustion of the Earth.
The state of constant catastrophe is becoming tangible for the entire world.
Today, the globally strengthened fascist regime is taking away our space, our bodies, and our homes, displacing us, seizing our land, and exhausting us. Similarly, through mechanisms of intimidation and marginalization, it tears apart social relationships, devalues the lives of certain people, and dismisses the existence of all other living beings as insignificant. The primary goal of such a regime is to sever connections—between people, between humans and animals, between individuals and the environment, and even between a person and their own body.
Today’s Georgia, under the increasingly authoritarian rule of an oligarch, is a micro-model of the world’s dominant, deadly system of values and relationships. This is why the movements for environmental causes and human rights in the country clearly depict the nature of this regime.
To fight against it, we, feminists and antifascists, see salvation in systemic resistance, in the politics of care and solidarity, and in the restoration of broken connections—by recognizing the interconnectedness and entirety of oppression.
That is why this year's festival is dedicated to individuals and collectives—whether from Georgia or across the world—who resist authoritarian and neoliberal political regimes and care for life and the living environment.
For the detailed program of the festival, check our website
Thanks to Limena for sharing the space, thanks to our financial donors - undp and rfsu. The poster was created by ele garuchava.
looking forward to see you in Poti, on 14/15/16th march, free entrance.