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Mid-Term Report on Georgia’s Second Cycle of UPR by SRHR Coalition

6 July 2018

November 2015 Georgia was under review for UN Human Rights Council for its second Cycle of periodic review. Georgia accepted 191 of 203 recommendations issued by the other member states. Georgian government noted 12 recommendations. Specifically, on SRHR Georgia received and accepted around 70 recommendations, which are focused above others on elimination of Violence against Women, on fighting discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons, on the implementation of Gender Equality policies and laws, health related issues, on taking steps to ensure that Sexual and Reproductive Health services including safe abortion and contraception are available, accessible and affordable to all women and girls and on increasing efforts to eliminate early/child and forced marriages.

The report covers implementation of accepted recommendation with regards to equality and SRHR. Report focuses on Sexual health as well as reproductive health and rights for women and vulnerable groups in Georgia. The report also assesses the implementation of the recommendation on enhancing national anti-discrimination institutions functioning in Georgia. The report covers the period of 2015-2018.
According to the content of the presented recommendations, responsible State Agencies for the implementation of the recommendations are the following: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs, The Prosecutor's Office of Georgia, The Parliament of Georgia.

The following report was prepared by the NGO coalition focusing on SRHR issues, which is a non-formal alliance consisting of six organizations working on different SRHR issues in Georgia – Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC), Center for Information and Counseling on Reproductive Health - Tanadgoma, Hera XXI, Women’s Initiative Supportive Group (WISG), Equality Movement and Identoba.

To see the full report, visit the following link: Mid-Term Report on Georgia’s Second Cycle of UPR by SRHR Coalition